Open Monday-Friday 9:30-6pm | Saturday 10-6pm | Sunday 10-5pm | (951) 693-4264
Kitchen Fantasy

Our Sharpening Services

Kitchen Fantasy offers professional sharpening/repair/refinishing services. Get them done right now! Most knives can be done while you wait (in some cases you would have to leave overnight).  That is correct!  Knives are done right here inside Kitchen Fantasy (7 days a week). Most knives are $6.50 to sharpen (we have a “Deluxe” sharpening for $11.99). We have all kinds of equipment but most important we have the expert knowledge to get your knife sharp like a razor.  Whether you have a kitchen knife, pocket knife, or hunting knife.   Sharp knives are safe knives and moreover, a sharp knife makes cooking easier and more enjoyable, making the whole experience faster and easier. We can show you how to properly care for your knives, so they stay in good condition Our professional sharpening service will restore those dull knives to the super-sharp edge they had when you first bought them.  Satisfaction Guaranteed!


Professional Knife Sharpening/repair

We have upgraded all our sharpening equipment and staff training to provide you with the very best knife sharpening anywhere!

  • All Sharpening in 100% satisfaction Guaranteed!
  • If we scratch or damage your knife we will buy you a new one.
  • We can sharping ALL kinds of knives even if you bought a deal that was to good to be true!  Those amazing Fantasy Knives, or those Really Thick “Damascus” knives that don’t come sharp.
  • We specialize in high end Japanese and German Knives.
  • Pocket knives no problem we will put a razor edge on your CASE, Buck, Bench, spyderco.
  • Our system is the same used for custom knives.

Professional Scissor Sharpening for Hairstylists and Barbers

We provide the best clipper blade sharpening service in the Temecula Valley and Southern California. Our experts use state-of-the-art machines to sharpen your items to perfection. We aim to remove a minimum amount of metal and extend the life of your blades.
Barber Set

Contact Us:

  • Visit Us: Temecula, CA

    27576 Ynez Road Suite H1, Temecula, CA, 92591

  • Call Us:  (951) 693-4264

    Call us Monday-Friday 9:30-6pm, Saturday 10-6pm, Sunday 10-5pm

  • Email Us:

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